, 2021
“Three Kings”

Three different architectures are the characters of this story. Each of them with its own personality. We will discover them observing how they transform and relate to the context and their neighbors. None of their states are totally coherent or definitive but allow us to imagine in(de)finite transformations… Can these three individualities create a unity? Can disorder generate a superior order?
Each architecture and the background can be changed by the owner.
“Hydraulic Tectonic 01”

An abstract hydraulic/architectonic composition inspired by the work of Josef Albers in Mexico. The level of the water and the color of the light mark the passage of time inside an enigmatic terraced structure. The work changes every hour of the day in an endless cycle.

In a big hall two players compete moving pieces, that resemble architectonic gym tools, in a pointless chesslike game, while other two altering and combining the colors of the board/floor.

Life always wins…
autonomously updates every hour